"After comparing different companies in the Internet I decided on Pure & Beautiful. My tattoos got inked very deeply, however, I am satisfied with the result. I would absolutely recommend Pure & Beautiful."
Tattoo Removal in Berlin
Remove a tattoo regardless of age, size and quality - gently and without scarring.
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Counseling Interview
Counseling Interview
Each tattoo or permanent make-up removal requires a counseling interview. You will be informed and advised about the whole treatment process and any possible adverse effects. In case you cannot imagine what a tattoo removal feels like, we are prepared to perform a sample treatment.
Tattoo Removal
Tattoo Removal
By using the Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser, which was developed especially for tattoo removal, we offer a highly effective way of gentle and scar-free tattoo removal. A special feature of this laser is the choice of wave lengths which allows the removal of light and dark colors. Therefore, almost every tattoo is removable. The color pigments are shot with ultra-short light impulses, which causes the color particles to break up into very small parts. Your body recognizes these small parts as foreign bodies and removes them through your lymphatic system. The surrounding tissue remains unaffected and is not injured. Usually laser treatment is perceived as almost painless.
This modern technology offers you optimal security and highest efficiency.
One session lasts between 10 and 30 minutes, depending on the size of the tattoo. Based on the quality of the tattoo, about 6 to 12 treatments are necessary to remove a tattoo. The colors used, the kind and deepness of the pigmentation, the quality of the tattoo, and the responsiveness of the body’s immune system to remove the color particles bear a great influence on the length of treatment. The treatments should take place at intervals of 4 to 6 weeks. This way, the skin gets enough time to regenerate. At each treatment, the tattoo lightens more and more until it is removed completely.
It is important that you keep the treated area dry for 48 hours. Up to 12 weeks afterwards, you should avoid direct sunlight and you should not use a solarium. You will receive a detailed and customized after-care plan after each treatment.
Number of Treatments
For a complete tattoo removal, several treatments are necessary. The number of treatments depends on the following factors:
- age of the pigmentation
- quality of the colors
- deepness of the pigmentation
- amount of the color
- responsiveness of one's own immune system
- quality of the tattoo (professional or unprofessional tattoo)
The Course of a Tattoo Removal
The Course of a Tattoo Removal
"I went rather skeptical and scared of the laser treatments. I could not believe that my 20 year-old tattoo could somehow be removed, however, the result is astonishing. After 8 treatments this old tattoo is gone. Especially the result after the first treatment was incredible. I was surprised that on the day of the treatment not much could be seen, however, during the days and weeks after, the tattoo has been fading more and more. Somehow the body removes the pigments little by little.
I was afraid of pain and sometimes it has been painful, however, I could tolerate the pain and it is worth it considering the result – no scar, nothing. It is just gone.
I am very thankful that this kind of tattoo removal exists. Mrs Moritz works very precisely.
Thanks a lot!"
Dr. Anke Heese
Do You Have Questions?
Do You Have Questions?
At Pure & Beautiful tattoos and permanent make-up have been removed with great care, passion and most modern laser technology since 2011. My goal is to see my patients happy again.
Do you have questions or do you need a personal consultation?
Feel free to contact us: