Professional Removal of Tattoos and Permanent Make-Up in Berlin
Our skin and appearance are very important to all of us. Therefore, it is important that we feel comfortable in our skin. This feeling can be disturbed by a tattoo that you don’t like any more or that just doesn’t fit your current lifestyle or simply is not well-done.
At Pure & Beautiful, a trained laser specialist can remove your tattoo, your permanent make-up and your microblading gently, without scarring, and almost painlessly. We are looking forward to informing and advising you on tattoo removal in a one-on-one conversation, so that you can soon say again:
„I feel comfortable in my skin!“

By using the Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser, which was developed especially for tattoo removal, we offer a highly effective way of gentle and scar-free tattoo removal.
A special feature of this laser is the choice of wave lengths which allows the removal of light and dark colors.

At Pure & Beautiful, only well-trained, experienced specialists remove cosmetic permanent make-up and microblading. They use the most modern and highly-effective laser technology, which allows gentle, non-scarring, complete removal of pigmentation. The color pigments are shot with ultra-short light impulses of the Nd: YAG. The laser ray can select the color, heat it, and destroy it so that it falls apart into very small parts.
Why should you opt for Pure & Beautiful:
- the most modern laser technology made in Germany
- professional cooling technology for a pleasant treatment
- no long waiting for appointments
- no long waiting times
- medical advice and supervision
- almost painless laser treatment
- gentle and precise treatments
- short treatments due to a modern laser system
- high standards of hygiene and cleanliness
- modern and friendly practice rooms
Do You Have Questions?

Do You Have Questions?
At Pure & Beautiful tattoos and permanent make-up have been removed with great care, passion and most modern laser technology since 2011. My goal is to see my patients happy again.
Do you have questions or do you need a personal consultation?
Feel free to contact us: